Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jewish Annoyances

I have now seen a couple completed film by Woody Allen and i can firmly can state that i am tired of his form of comedy. Now his form of characters is what really angers me now that i have seen basically the same character about 3 different times. With every great comedian they have to have new material, and Allen has new material in his films, yet in film the character has to be different or else it is the exact same film. If you look at Dane Cook, you might not like his comedy but that doesnt really matter. If you look at the characters hes played in different films such as Waiting or Employee of the Month, his brand of comedy is still the same but the characters he plays are completely different in morals, looks, and ways in which they bring forth Cook's brand of comedy. Allen seems to have difficulty not playing a nerotic, whiny, sex-crazed, jewish boy. I understand the comedy in that type of character but it gets incredibly stale if you see it over and over again. The similarities between the two films of his Manhattan and Annie Hall are astounding. He starts of loving somebody else, falls in love with that actress, then has so many problems that he himself couldve easily solved that the relationship eventually breaks up and it is never quite healed. If you look at his films compared to the modern romantic tales, his are darker in many ways because in the end he does not really get the girl. I am not sure if this is because he wants to prove that not all good love stories have a happy fairy tale ending, but it gets incredibly boring and depressing after so many times.

Issac Dumped Himself

As i was watching Woody Allen's film Manhattan i realized that in the storyline, allen had made it very apparant that he was dumping himself, it is a long shoted concept but please follow along as best as you can. Okay so i am terrible with names so i will do the best i can to represent the characters through other means. The woman who played Annie in Annie Hall, she was having an affair with Yale. She loved him but did not want to break up his relationship with his wife, so she broke it off. she later than dated Issac because he was fun, funny, smart, and other reasons that i will not get into (sexy). while Issac and the chick were still dating, she realized that she still loved Yale. Now what i find fascinating is that even though you might still love some one you do not leave your current partner unless something from an old relationship has changed. Well nothing had changed in Yale's life, he was still willing to leave his wife in order to be with "Annie" and nothing else has changed. Yale's personality had not changed in the slightest, nothing had changed. what had changed was "Annie's" ability to accept Yale leaving her wife, the reason for this was because of a chance on perception towards the men in her life. She saw that being with Issac was not as good as being with Yale, thus she had accepted the terms in which Yale had set for her in order for the two to be together. In a long convoluded way, Issac's own love with "Annie" was what drove her away from him. It is sad but in a strange way, Issac Dumped Himself.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


This piece of monet painting really makes you feel not as good as if you were looking at it in person. The essence of this painting is supposed to fill the soul with beauty through the almost river like flow of the blue and green. Finding this on the internet took me about 3 seconds and yet took the artist months to complete this masterpiece of work. The blues and greens are tainted by the internets inhumane like stature which corrupts all other art in its internet based form. The real aura or soul like spirit that comes from this piece of art can only be interepreted by the soul in person and can only be experienced inside a museum of classic art. Art is not meant to be repeated and because of that there are laws in which creating false masterpieces is considered illegal and can be put in jail for such an offense. Art is something that is true beauty on a page, not an internet page. Having machines replicate a master piece of artwork is like tearing it up into small little pieces and blowing them away in the wind. It ruins this sense of essence we get from Monet's painting and other master painters/paintings. Art should be eternal, a single eternity posted on a wall that people should pay to see, not take 3 seconds to download on the internet.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Horny Jewish Teenager

Now i have never been jewish but i have known a jewish friend. He was never as horny as Alex Portnoy in the book Portnoy's Complaint. That guy is so horny it breeds self-hatred because masturabation in the Jewish culture is forbiden. So is marrying/having sex with a shische (i know i messed up the spelling) which is a non jewish woman. Portnoy has multiple issues including his love is his mother and his renouncement of his religion, but i can make a correlation between Portnoy and Allen. Allen's characters in his films have a wide variety of nerosies which is something that Alex Portnoy could relate to. Woody Allen married his kinda sorta step daughter, which you can say mirrors Alex's fascination with his mother as a child. The difference is not the relation by family, but the simple fact that the age of the two individuals is changed. In Allen's case he was older, and in Alex's case he was younger.