Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Weekly Post

This week we started reading Portnoy's Complaint, which to my knowledge so far is about a young jewish boy dealing with his over-bearing mother and his constant need to self satify his sexual needs. There is an entire chapter devoted to his own masturbation ventures where in which he suffocates himself on his older sister panties, and other such disgusting tools of sexual satisfaction. This to me disgusts me not because of the masturabation thing, but the way he goes about touching himself is what i have the serious problem with. I know and fully accept the fact that all men and a decent portion of women masturbate, but to my knowledge they do not use such perverse methods of satisfaction. The mother in the story is a complete psychopath, she is the traditional jewish mother who is the strong personification of a stereotypical jewish mother. As i go throughout more of the storyline i hope that this tale will stop looking so grim and disgusting and have a much lighter side to it.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Contact Me

my prefereed email address is

Favorite Woody Allen Clip

Sunday, January 24, 2010

First Entry

Hello and welcome to my Woody Allen blog. This is a blog devoted to the works and life of Mr. Woody Allen. This comical genius has entertained audiences for centuries and will always be a significant figure in the cinematic history. Honestly I don't know squat about Woody Allen but from the little fragments of clips that I have seen from his work, his humor seems like a kind that I can laugh to. I am excited to watch more of Allen's work both in and outside class, because everyone could use a good laugh. I will be posting my favorite Woody Allen Clip soon but going on YouTube and randomly looking at Allen clips is probably not the most efficient way to find my "favorite" clip of his. I'm not exactly sure on how to check if this is two hundred and fifty words because as i said i am new to the blogging world. If this one is short than i apologize.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This is the first time i have ever blogged in my entire lifetime. I have been against blogging for some time now but now i am required by my Film As Literature class and now i am going to attempt to not suck at blogging. My new Journal Entry will be posted sometime within the next week so for you avid readers, be patient.